Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Time...where did it go?

Hello! It's now June and despite the fact I have now vowed to update this blog weekly--it's more like monthly if that. Where does the time go?

Of course we create our own reality and I've been creating mine and I've been very busy at it. Amethyst Moon has been going through a transistion period and in that period I've been the co-captain of the ship steering it through many ports of call.

Every week I think about what I want to write here on this white space and I've come up with many ideas. Then I can't find my link to my site, or the phone rings, or I've got to run a chore, or the cat needs to be fed or petted, or the phone rings again...well, you get the picture.

Someone asked me today why wasn't I doing this or that--and I said, yes, yes, I know--but I'm so busy doing what I am doing, that there isn't much time for what all I can do. Priority is the key and organization. Skills I am working on--in my spare time!

Over the last months, I've been searching for ways to grow my company. I've checked out various internet marketing sites including Neil Shearing's -- an interesting gentleman from England, who used to be a bio-chemist in Chicago. He's got some great products where you can resell information and e-books. Or how to make money from a home business. He sounded interesting and so checked him out and bought a product that you had to download. When I first had trouble downloading the product, I wrote him and he personally wrote back and walked me step by step through the process. The product turned out to be helpful by the way and someday I hope I have time to follow through on all the information he gives to the entrepreneur.

I also checked in with other similar affiliate programs and found lots not to my taste or what I was looking for, but several good ones, that if I had time, I could make money with.

But then the young cat jumps on my desk or the other cat (15 years young and blind) wants attention and of course I have to give it them--they are my children. (And we wonder why mothers go crazy with their kids and don't have time to themselves.) Or the computer suddenly has a virus notice pop up--the second of the day--and asks me to scan the entire computer (a 5 hour process apparently!) No, I don't have time right now!!! I'm trying to write on my blog!!! Go away!!! I cry out to the heavens!

I have been reading the Abraham book: Ask and It Is Given. This book is channeled by a group of Non-Physical Entities that are called Abraham and are channeled by Esther Hicks who along with her husband, Jerry travel the country and speak in front of groups with messages from Abraham. This is a fascinating book and I am embracing the concepts--successfully, I might add--that it teaches. My own guides have been trying to get me to read this book for the last year, but I have so much on my plate....well, I finally had the time and so I read it.

I am now listening to their tapes and as providence would have it (or in my case, my angels lead me to), I went to a live Abraham-Hicks presentation a few weeks ago and gained even more insight. And more to do on my plate as a result!

So I have on my schedule (for I am getting more organized-- really!) to update my blog every Thursday. This is my current goal. Goals are important--write them down and prioritize them. Then find the time to make them happen!

That's the next thing I'm asking for--but I have to be careful of what I ask. More time--yes; but not too much time. Just enough.

Here's hoping you have time to enjoy this summer (or winter if you're down below the equator and reading this!)

And I'm asking for more help in getting more organized and have time for my blog posting. Opps, the phone just rang! It was an advertiser and what was he talking about just as we finished our business--time!!! And the angels are listening....

With Love & Light, until next time-
Ms. Blake Cahoon