Thursday, April 24, 2008

Happy Earth Week 2008

How many of us get off track on a regular basis? I know I do—life is going good and then wham! I fall off the track and suddenly have to get up, look around myself and ask: “What just happened?”

Often I already know the answer: I wasn’t paying attention. And sometimes it’s important not to pay attention – it’s very time-consuming to pay attention all the time and can be quite exhausting as well. But when I don’t pay attention I do have a tendency to wander or fall off those proverbial tracks of life.

I think for me it’s the weather that causes this. Or having too much on my plate, all at the same time.

This last couple of weeks, I’ve been off my game. I’m going to blame the changing season—spring is finally here (see earlier blog on that subject) and the flowers are coming up and the leaves are starting to appear on the trees. I didn’t wear a coat for the first time today – yippee!

I haven’t wanted to do anything but be outdoors – and so this past weekend I was outdoors – in my garden, finally able to dig in the good green and brown (dirt) earth as I planted new bulbs and bushes in my back yard. It felt good to dig holes and fill my gloved hands with handfuls of dirt as I lovingly planted my new bushes.

A cool breeze caressed my face and birds were singing in the nearby trees across the field that is my backyard. I connected with Mother Earth this last weekend, and paid tribute to her by planting new plants – just in time for Earth Day (April 22).

When we connect with the earth, we actually do become more grounded – by digging in the dirt and appreciating the earth, earthworms and all, I allow my spiritual and emotional self to be more grounded. And slowly I am becoming less spacey and getting back on track.

When you are feeling off or lose your way, try going for a walk in the neighborhood, a local park, or even enjoy your backyard. This will expel pent-up negative energy and allows your own positive flow to take hold again.

And remember to do something to honor the Earth – recycle your newspapers, change your light bulbs to a more energy-efficient type, plant a bush, a tree or even some flowers, or unplug a seldom-used appliance. There are lots of ways to appreciate the planet we live on and embrace the principles of going green.

And somewhere along the way, you may find yourself getting back on track too; or at least enjoying the track you’re currently on, a little bit more. Fresh air and green grass can do wonders to renew the soul.

Happy Spring everyone! (I can’t say it enough!) And Happy Earth Week too!

Friday, April 11, 2008

Seek Balance

Don’t look at the news of late—it’s very depressing. The economy is depressed, the US dollar is losing its value, people are losing their jobs and homes and gas prices are going up.
Should we be surprised? Probably not—if you understand America’s corporate greed mentality.
Will we survive? Of course. The government will bail us out –at least for now—and life will go on.
But will balance be maintained? For that is what is happening—the economy albeit the world is seeking balance.
The answer will only be found in the future. But more upsets will be found again if balance is not found.
The universe likes balance and so if it is a government, or a corporation or our own bank book—balance will be sought out. This goes for our personal life as well.
If you are out of balance, the universe will seek to get you back in balance. Often times this is done by causing illness or catastrophic events to come into our life – forcing us to slow down and stabilize the situation. Refuse the offer to rectify the situation and gain balance, and the illness may worsen or the events become more severe.
A second method of the universe creating balance is the cause the worse to happen. This is when people literally hit bottom – they are wiped out financially, a tornado hits their home destroying it or a fatal illness hits them or a loved one. Planes crash, people die, wars are waged. The stock market is out of whack. Balance will have to come eventually.
So our economy will balance out—eventually, unless we allow our government to cause a fatal event. Do what you can to gain balance in your own life—and be sure to add your voice to the universe for balance for our country come this November at election time.
Balance comes to those whose purpose rises above the ego-ruled masses, where greed gets in the way of greatness.
Seek balance for this brings peace and harmony and can heal a wounded heart—and possibly a wounded country.