Thursday, September 03, 2009

The Process of Evolution

In one of my last blogs I talked about the need to reinvent myself. I had just been laid off from my job and just seen the movie “Julie and Julia” – which I still highly recommend.

But I want to rescind on the phrase ‘reinvent’, because I don’t need to reinvent myself – instead I must come to realize that I am evolving. I am evolving into a more fully-realized individual as I continue to go forth on my life’s journey and my spiritual journey.

This recession has been a very tough one for almost all of us – lawyers are being laid off and wondering if they will ever find a job again! I’ve lived through several more minor ones—several which I have been laid off from my job. I always find another one though.

And I am happy to report I have become employed again – actually with the same company, different department – and so now I have the security to know that regular income will be deposited in my bank account. My mortgage company and I are both happy about that.

How did this happen? Did I send out thousands of resumes? Did I pound on doors? Did I make lots of phone calls begging for a job?

No—I did not. I trusted that my work speaks for itself – I put forth a good product and service where ever I go. I am proud of my work. I know others know my work is of quality.

I am also nice to people and they are nice to me in return. We look out for each other. And help each other when ever we can.

So knowing I can produce and I am considered a nice person, I made some phone calls and did the obligatory looking for a job routine—but I also put an order into my angels and ask the universe to find me a job.

Then I didn’t panic. I didn’t worry. I knew something was cooking in the kitchen. I let the process play out. I let go and let the flow take shape. And the phone rang. And I became employed again with just the right job at the right price at the right time.

I didn’t need to reinvent myself after all – but I did need to realize that I was evolving.

There has been the day where I would worry, panic, call thousands of people and when I didn’t hear anything – I would panic even more.

But I have moved past that point – for the most part—after all, I am only human. And let the universe did its part after I did mine – I asked for help. And for me that was a big step in my life’s journey – asking for help.

Because sometimes we need a helping hand – from a friend or an angel. So thank you to all my friends you have helped me along the way and angels – a big thank you as always!


Blake Cahoon is a natural energy healer, spiritual teacher and writer. She has written several books including "Connecting with Angels" and "Developing Your Psychic Abilities". Her main web site is: