Friday, June 25, 2010

The Future is Looking Bright

We recently redesigned the entire web site and changed our Amethyst Moon motto from: Opening Hearts, Mind and Spirit to: Lift Your Spirits, Evolve Your Soul. This is the new direction we are moving in. Providing you happiness products and tools through our books, gifts, music, flower essences, self-study courses, and much more.
We also have a new blog: Amethyst Moon Connections where we will be talking to you more about the store’s offerings and provide tips and techniques towards raising your spirits and raising your happiness levels.
Did you know there is a science to happiness? Scientists have found several methods to determine how happy a person will be. And amazingly it’s not about winning the lottery!

However, having enough money to be comfortable with your lifestyle is a requirement for happiness. Too little money obviously causes stress and surprisingly enough too much money can do the same. This is why many lottery winners spend their money quickly and foolishly—they simply don’t know how to deal with the sudden influx of huge amounts of cash. Their comfort level is placed out of alignment and their stress levels rises. Often they will spend their money foolishly and ‘blow it’ on needless and expensive items, which then may be neglected or not used. A gradual accumulation of wealth is a preferred method in keeping your wealth intact.
The scientists also find that people, who have a belief system in something larger than themselves i.e. God or a Higher Power, are happier than people who are not spiritual or religious.

This is just two happiness factors. There is more which will be discussed in future blog posts at our new blog: Amethyst Moon Connections.

Speaking of happiness and comfort levels, I am happy to announce I am employed again…and summer is looking bright. I hope your summer is a great one!

Spiritual author and teacher, Blake Cahoon looks at life optimistically and wishes Chicago summers were longer. Learn more about being happy at