Saturday, August 18, 2007

Getting into a Comfort Zone

I started a new job three weeks ago, after being with my old company for seven years. The new place is in the same industry as the old, but feels friendlier and more intimate. The old had grown and grown over the years and as is common with corporations, it has had it’s share of growing pains.

I’m glad to be in the new place. It will provide better opportunities for me; the people are nice and I’m surrounded by friends who also found themselves from the old to the new place.

The commute is longer though—now an hour as opposed to less than 30 minutes. (Thus the reason for delay in latest blog getting be posted – I’m still getting used to the new hours.) I often don’t get home until 7 pm at night now.

I’m still trying to find the best way to the new place and back. The drive can be very pretty -- there is one route that is full of trees that hide million dollar plus homes. It’s fun to see all the nice homes—the tiny glimpses that I can see behind their gated walls.

Demetrius likes nice homes—he expressed a desire for me to live in such a fine surroundings. Some call these new homes Mac Mansions – they all look alike and we wonder how these people afford such a place.

I love the fact that my favorite non-physical entity wants me in such a home – which is fine for him since he doesn’t have to find a way to pay mortgages, much less taxes.

But the point he was making is that I deserve to be in the best place possible for me. By exposing me to wealth—as my morning and often evening drive now takes me through Wealth-ville – I can get comfortable with such dwellings and what it means to be wealthy. I can gain an appreciation; that I might not otherwise had for the finer things in life.

Often we self-sabotage ourselves when we express a desire which may currently be outside our comfort zone.

So our guides and angels, knowing of our desire, will show us aspects of that desire so we can become more accustomed to that which we have asked for. We are allowed to move towards our goals and desires in a comfortable, non-threatening method. We can then hold on to our desire when it does become a reality in a more easy manner. The angels know our comfort level and will move us according to that comfort level.

Everything happens for a reason. What have you expressed a desire for lately? And how comfortable will you be with it when it becomes a reality?

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