Sunday, June 29, 2008

How to Handle Adversity

It is said that what doesn’t kill us, makes us stronger. Certainly the people who have lost their homes and farms in the great Midwestern floods of spring 2008 will learn if this statement is true for them.

There was a sign outside a church that read “Adversity causes man to be introduced to himself.” When I first read this, I was confused. But the more I thought about this statement, it reminded me of the statement of what doesn’t kill us, makes us stronger.

When adversity comes into our lives, it is because we need to learn a lesson from the challenges that being presented to us or it is a method for us to see what we are really made of. Pressure makes diamonds and so adversity makes the human.

That is what this planet is all about – contrast. It is the presence of the good and the bad and our reaction to either that makes us humans beings – emphasis on being. We can choose to react with fear, with strength, with anger, with sadness or with love to almost any event in our lives.

We all learned a powerful lesson on September 11, 2001. Or most of us did; some did not, while others have let time diminish those lessons. And so now more adversity is upon us. It is what shapes and defines us, as we react to that adversity.

So when adversity comes into your life – watch how you react to it. What is the outcome you desire? How is your reaction and actions going to result into your desires?

I recently was laid off from my job in a time where more and more people are losing their jobs. I could have panicked. But I remained calm and began sending out my resume and going on interviews. I knew I would get another job and it would be the right job for me at the right time. I received a call for an in person interview on the Monday following my last day at my old position. The interview was on Tuesday. I got the offer call for the job on Wednesday. I would start the week following the next week—allowing me a vacation—something I had wanted and let the Universe know that I wanted.

I wasn’t sure it was the best job for me—until I got to the new job. I was traveling a little more than I wanted, but found a free web site that let me download hour long interviews and burn them to CD. Now I would have something to listen to on my drive—again something I had asked the Universe for. Also I was being compensated more now than my last position – out of special circumstances – so ultimately I received a raise. Plus the people were very nice – and the work itself was interesting, another couple of something’s I had asked for and received. My final sign that I was where I was supposed to be was my request for a nearby post office. I found the post office was a block away and with hours that spanned from early morning to evening. Okay, I said with a smile to the heavens above. Now I knew I was in the right place.

I could have panicked when my last position came to an end. But I didn’t. I remained calm and faithful that the Universe (or God—or whatever one calls that something Bigger than the rest of us—because I know It does exist) –would provide in my hour of adversity.

While I didn’t get flooded out like so many others, or burned out from the wildfires that are now burning in the west, I had lost my job – I did have adversity in my life. How I chose to react to that adversity, I feel was how the outcome manifested itself. As a result I grew stronger in my faith and in being confident that the Universe will provide for me in all circumstances, especially when I ask.

What adverse events are popping up in your life? How are you reacting to that adversity? What are you manifesting? Ask yourself these questions the next time adversity comes knocking on your door. Big or small, the universe will help – if and when you let it. May all your adversities be small ones!

Blake Cahoon runs a few web sites:,, is a writer and a film maker. She is a spiritual teacher and produces material to live a better life.

Thursday, May 01, 2008

Butterfly Stirs Creative Soul

Many years ago I was sitting in a park one summer day on a hillside that overlooked a small lake, contemplating what to do next in my life. I was in my thirties at the time and I still hadn’t figured out what I wanted to do when I grew up. (And quite honestly I’m still trying to figure that out!).

I found myself going over some options in my head – at the time I was a writer for a small family owned company which had holdings in lots of businesses, including real estate and motivational work. I really enjoyed that job – I was able to create freely on many different projects, including writing motivational material, press releases, newsletters, marketing materials, children’s books and video scripts for late night ad-commercials. Alas the business changed direction and I was wanting for another job—yet again.

I find myself in that position again these days – a scary thought being unemployed with a mortgage and small kitties to feed, but yet exciting not knowing exactly what is ahead. A sense of anticipation rests in the air, as I put out feelers for new positions and think about the time when I won’t have to work for someone else.

I’m not sure that time is now – right now I personally don’t see that happening yet – unless I choose to play the lottery and win –but I am putting the thought out into the universe so at least the possibility of opportunity can arise.

I ask my angels and faerie folk to manifest my desires – to work in a place of comfort, freedom and safety, with positive energy and a good support system, doing something creative that I feel excited about and make excellent money at, performing or creating something worthwhile. Oh, and put a rush on that order – I have less than thirty days to find such an opportunity!

Note I said opportunity – not job, not even career – but rather an opportunity to be someone I enjoy being and being around, and making enough money to support myself comfortably at the same time.

So that is my desire—out it goes into the universe—while images of me sitting on a long ago hillside linger in mind. And there was a butterfly that day – one with colorful wings – whose flight was lazy and peaceful. Butterflies are signs of change – new beginnings – metamorphosis.

And that day is again today….and with the thought of butterflies comes the thought of a small video that my father’s spirit brought to me that same year – I had the inclination to pick up a video camera and put together a documentary on butterflies. I’m not sure why.
To this day, I am uncertain exactly why – but I’m sure that it was my father’s spirit who came to me and told me also that butterflies are signs of hope – for new beginnings are full of hope. And so today as again I contemplate my future – I am thinking of butterflies—of new beginnings, of hope and of….video creation….hmmm….where is that video camera of mine? I have an idea….my creative soul stirs and angels and faeries whisper to me and new ideas take hold.

The road ahead still remains a mystery, but I know my angelic support system is also out there pounding the pavement with me….may your journey stay as exciting and full of promise as mine…

…and stay tuned!

PS: Our new website is now posted:

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Happy Earth Week 2008

How many of us get off track on a regular basis? I know I do—life is going good and then wham! I fall off the track and suddenly have to get up, look around myself and ask: “What just happened?”

Often I already know the answer: I wasn’t paying attention. And sometimes it’s important not to pay attention – it’s very time-consuming to pay attention all the time and can be quite exhausting as well. But when I don’t pay attention I do have a tendency to wander or fall off those proverbial tracks of life.

I think for me it’s the weather that causes this. Or having too much on my plate, all at the same time.

This last couple of weeks, I’ve been off my game. I’m going to blame the changing season—spring is finally here (see earlier blog on that subject) and the flowers are coming up and the leaves are starting to appear on the trees. I didn’t wear a coat for the first time today – yippee!

I haven’t wanted to do anything but be outdoors – and so this past weekend I was outdoors – in my garden, finally able to dig in the good green and brown (dirt) earth as I planted new bulbs and bushes in my back yard. It felt good to dig holes and fill my gloved hands with handfuls of dirt as I lovingly planted my new bushes.

A cool breeze caressed my face and birds were singing in the nearby trees across the field that is my backyard. I connected with Mother Earth this last weekend, and paid tribute to her by planting new plants – just in time for Earth Day (April 22).

When we connect with the earth, we actually do become more grounded – by digging in the dirt and appreciating the earth, earthworms and all, I allow my spiritual and emotional self to be more grounded. And slowly I am becoming less spacey and getting back on track.

When you are feeling off or lose your way, try going for a walk in the neighborhood, a local park, or even enjoy your backyard. This will expel pent-up negative energy and allows your own positive flow to take hold again.

And remember to do something to honor the Earth – recycle your newspapers, change your light bulbs to a more energy-efficient type, plant a bush, a tree or even some flowers, or unplug a seldom-used appliance. There are lots of ways to appreciate the planet we live on and embrace the principles of going green.

And somewhere along the way, you may find yourself getting back on track too; or at least enjoying the track you’re currently on, a little bit more. Fresh air and green grass can do wonders to renew the soul.

Happy Spring everyone! (I can’t say it enough!) And Happy Earth Week too!

Friday, April 11, 2008

Seek Balance

Don’t look at the news of late—it’s very depressing. The economy is depressed, the US dollar is losing its value, people are losing their jobs and homes and gas prices are going up.
Should we be surprised? Probably not—if you understand America’s corporate greed mentality.
Will we survive? Of course. The government will bail us out –at least for now—and life will go on.
But will balance be maintained? For that is what is happening—the economy albeit the world is seeking balance.
The answer will only be found in the future. But more upsets will be found again if balance is not found.
The universe likes balance and so if it is a government, or a corporation or our own bank book—balance will be sought out. This goes for our personal life as well.
If you are out of balance, the universe will seek to get you back in balance. Often times this is done by causing illness or catastrophic events to come into our life – forcing us to slow down and stabilize the situation. Refuse the offer to rectify the situation and gain balance, and the illness may worsen or the events become more severe.
A second method of the universe creating balance is the cause the worse to happen. This is when people literally hit bottom – they are wiped out financially, a tornado hits their home destroying it or a fatal illness hits them or a loved one. Planes crash, people die, wars are waged. The stock market is out of whack. Balance will have to come eventually.
So our economy will balance out—eventually, unless we allow our government to cause a fatal event. Do what you can to gain balance in your own life—and be sure to add your voice to the universe for balance for our country come this November at election time.
Balance comes to those whose purpose rises above the ego-ruled masses, where greed gets in the way of greatness.
Seek balance for this brings peace and harmony and can heal a wounded heart—and possibly a wounded country.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Spring is Finally Here!

Spring is finally here officially this week. The calendar says to—but I know so, for I saw my first robin of the season this weekend.

This winter season has been a brutal one for the Midwest for we’ve had more than our share of snow this year. Other parts of the country from mid November to mid May.
We moved from this city to sunny Florida to escape the snow. As a child I loved snow; as an adult who has to shovel it—I’m not too crazy about the white stuff any longer except around Christmas time when it should be mandatory. But alas—we rarely get a white Christmas and this year was no expectation. In fact, I think it was the only day it didn’t snow!

This area doesn’t really know snow – not the snow belts of Michigan or New York – and so when it snows as much it did this year, we get cranky. The sun wasn’t out much over the last few months and this didn’t help the mood.

For me, this winter, I have noticed the tendency to follow the way of certain animals—bears for example. I hibernate during these times when the cold, dreary weather is just too much for my aging psyche. No, I don’t physically crawl into a cave for months on end—although spiritually and psychologically I seem to. Friends and activities are kept at a distance, dreams are shelved and I concentrate on the mundane tasks of living day to day.

I write this because I find I am not alone in this hibernation period. I have found other kindred souls of late who find there are times of the year where they simply have to disconnect in order to recharge.

As a younger person, I didn’t understand this activity and probably dismissed its value. Older and wiser me knows now the importance of this activity and finally recognize this habitual behavior.

My sister calls it cycling—I cycle in my behavior from having lots of activity in my life to wanting none in my life. I have had a tendency to go from being a workaholic to being a hermit. After years of observation, I now concur this is what I do.

But it is not a flaw—but a coping mechanism to regain balance. Recognizing this pattern however, allows me not to find fault in myself or my behavior, but rather puts me in a search to better balance my life without going to extremes. And so spring is here and I am crawling out of my winter cave with renewed vision and purpos

Enjoy this spring—the new flowers, the birds singing and the sun is shining. Warmth envelopes us and we can shed those heavy winter coats. Turn your face to the light of the new season and smile – especially if you’re an occasional hibernator, like me. Welcome, spring!