Monday, August 03, 2009

Economic Hard Times for Light Workers

What is a light worker? This term was picked up in the 1990’s as a person who works in and around spiritual concepts as defined by the New Age. It is a person who strives for the highest good and reaches for the light of a higher power to illuminate life.

We define the term – light worker – so we can ask the question – in these tough economic times how can the light worker stay the course? How do they survive unemployment, down-sizing, layoffs and such? How do they manage to stay optimistic amidst ever increasing doom and gloom news stories that the media is putting forth and that their friends and family harp upon?

Speaking from personal experience, this is a tough assignment but one that can be accomplished by keeping the eye on the main objective and application of universal law principles. These principles are part of the light worker vernacular: law of attraction, law of karma, law of gratitude being just a few of these laws.

Each one can help the light worker stay the course with steadfast and optimistic objection for they realize the reality they create is their own and the universe operates under certain rules which they are aware of and can navigate through.

Once they remove the emotions out of the equation and realize that there are answers out there for them to gather and work with, the light worker can recognize their own path of potential which can lead to new adventures with even more rewards than the last several adventures.

The light worker has at their disposal an arsenal of ready helpers in the form of various high spirit guides, ascended masters and archangels and angels. The light worker must be ready to ask and receive these helpers’ assistance. So it is the asking of help, that may help begin to lift the light worker’s spirit and put them back on course, if indeed they falter.

Being reminded to ask for help and then acting upon that help once given, allows the light worker to get back on the path of illumination. Refocusing efforts and tasks allows the light worker to turn away from worries that block the energy flow and can stymie results that are manifesting as a result of putting in an earlier desire. Maintaining balance in both health and mental facilities helps the light worker maintain a steady course.

Over excess of worry, panic or otherwise emotions of dissent will only slow the progress of manifestation. The light worker teaches these principles to others – but the angels and guides will remind the teacher to adhere to these principles too.

Again shifting attention away from the subject of worry will allow the river of manifestation to continue to flow and not be stopped or otherwise misdirected.

Relaxation and enjoyment of life is imperative at this time – the light worker realizes that once the manifestation order has been placed with the universe, their job is simply to allow manifestation to happen as the universe does its job in processing the order.

The light worker has to remain vigilant in listening for clues and signals and outright command of actions, but otherwise a sense of accomplishment and relaxation will continue to allow the universe to merrily bubble on the stove of life until the meal is ready to be brought forth and served.

Acting upon signals and clues will allow the light worker to move along the predisposed path and acting upon commands will bring the task at hand faster. Patience may be needed as the universal pot boils. The phrase “A watched pot never boils,” is a good saying at this time.

Remember to have faith in the universe – it is on your side and the light worker knows this to be true – it has been on their side in many times before with equally productive results.

The light worker knows that time is a friend and not the enemy and faith will carry them through these times as well as times in the future, when needed.

This then is how the light worker strives to rise above the gloom and doom news of the day – knowing that they create their own reality and manifest their own destiny. Knowing that the naysayers and critics are there for contrast to allow the light worker to rise about the fray of the day and to allow the light worker to make better choices in an ever expanded banquet that is open to them in particular and to all in general.

Tough times don’t last --- these are a cycle of life and again the light worker is aware of this although a reminder from the angels and spiritual light worker team may be necessary.

With this knowledge and these tools, the light worker can go on and survive—and thrive in good times or in bad. Light workers work with Light and the light will always outshine the darkness.


The preceding was channeled material from Demetrius - a chorus of loving and intelligent beings who mission is provide knowledge towards enlightenment.


Blake Cahoon has been a light worker for over twenty years! Check her books out at: and learn more about light workers and Demetrius.

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