Monday, July 09, 2007

Honoring the Earth

My fairy class last weekend went very well. I love it when the students can connect with the material offered.

In this class I think one of the highlights was a photo in the workbook of a fairy ring. For the caption of the picture, the fairies had asked me to put ‘Can you find the fairies?

The photo in the book, “Connecting with the Fairies” was originally in color, but for the book was in black and white. I had needlessly worried that the photo wouldn’t show as well in black and white.

For this picture, a close-up of the toadstools in the fairy ring, which had shown up last summer in my front yard, was a great photo and was apparently full of fairies! My students saw them before I did!

There was a small gnome fellow and a female fairy, complete with wings, among several others the students found in that photo. I was thrilled and I think my students really enjoyed the class. I was also introduced to JaJaiai – a fairy queen who reigns over the flowers and field beyond my back yard. She came to me in a meditation that was part of the class.

The fairies remind us to be kind to Mother Nature and all of her plants, minerals and animals. In the time of ‘going green,’ remember to honor and respect Mother Earth. Make every day Earth Day. The fairies will bless you when you do.

I know I have been blessed with more energy and love recently. I have been given new knowledge and ways to connect my life with that which is beyond, that which is Divine. I feel richer as an individual and more connected to the whole. For this I am grateful to both the Divine and to the fairies.

As you honor yourself, you honor the whole.

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